“Nobody Believes Me”: Strange Experiences People Can’t Explain That Range From Kinda Heartwarming to Super Creepy

“Nobody Believes Me”: Strange Experiences People Can’t Explain That Range From Kinda Heartwarming to Super Creepy

Have you ever experienced something that you couldn’t explain? Sometimes, it’s something heartwarming — like seeing your grandma who passed long ago. Other times, though, it’s something unsettling. From a loved one that’s passed coming to visit you in a dream to watching your cat walk through a wall, we’ve compiled a list of ‘nobody believes me’ moments that people shared with the internet.

Cats Appearing out of Nowhere

Cats are the more mysterious counterpart to dogs when it comes to pets. It’s hard to know what exactly they want, and sometimes they do things that defy explanation. Many people are even convinced that cats can walk through walls.

Cats Appearing out of Nowhere

There has to be another explanation here. Did the cat perhaps find an air vent that they could fit through? Was there a secret tunnel in a closet? Or did the cat actually manage to walk through a wall? Whatever the answer is, it’s still pretty creepy.

Warmth, Love, and Emotion

We as humans don’t really understand much about dreams. There are a ton of theories about what exactly dreams are and what their function is, but one thing’s for sure — tons of people around the world have been visited by deceased loved ones in a dream.

Warmth, Love, and Emotion

Whether you believe that deceased loved ones can visit you in a dream or not, you can’t deny that this is extremely heartwarming and not creepy at all. It sounds like the warmth and love was exactly what this person needed in that moment.

Hearing His Name

Epilepsy is a disorder that can cause spontaneous seizures throughout a person’s life. Many people who suffer from it can’t drive safely and have to be careful while doing other activities, like taking a bath.

Hearing His Name

This is some seriously strong intuition. His wife was probably thinking his name as she desperately needed help, and he somehow knew. Thank goodness he arrived on time to make sure that she was okay.

The House Through the Years

It’s common for specific locations to hold strong memories. There’s a childhood home where so many major life moments happened. There’s a school where you meet your partner. And in this case, there’s a house that wasn’t yours, yet makes an appearance over and over.

The House Through the Years

The house popping up a second time is odd, but it happens. The house popping up a third time, however, is bordering on creepy. What are the chances that the girl he met was living in that same house?