30+ Hilarious Fake Signs Someone Posted All Over the London Underground

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The London Underground is famous for being jam-packed with dour, unhappy commuters on their way to and from their boring nine-to-five lives. However, one guerilla prankster brightened their days with a little humor. So, to save you a trip into Hell, we bring you our favorite hilarious fake signs someone posted all over the tube. Have your tickets ready, because London’s calling, and we’re going underground!

Shepherd’s Pie

London is famous for unidentified people committing mysterious goings-on. In the 1880s, For example, anonymous graffiti artist Banksy decorated the capital with spray cans and stencils. Now, The Phantom Tube Sticker Changer of Old London Town is leaving its mark on the London Underground.

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Mostly haunting the Central Line, they add stickers all over tube trains. They’ve changed stations like Shepherd’s Bush to an old English family dinnertime favorite – Shepherd’s Pie.

Bangers and Mash

We absolutely love this sign! As you can see, it instructs passengers to pull a lever to pour gravy onto the train driver’s sausages. The English love sausages, mashed potatoes, and gravy almost as much as they love fish ‘n chips and cups of tea. However, they would call this meal Bangers and Mash.

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The sign doesn’t state if this gravy-pouring machine is only for emergencies or if it’s for when the driver gets a bit peckish.

Guy Fawkes

Guido Fawkes became a folk hero (or anti-hero), and Brits celebrate him on Bonfire Night by burning effigies called “Guys” atop bonfires.

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You may know the rhyme, “Remember, remember, the fifth of November.” Modern-day rebels say he was the last man to enter certain establishments with honorable intentions!

Sorting Seat

To catch the express train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you must go to Platform 9¾ at King’s Cross railway station. However, if you’re not brave enough to run through a brick wall between platforms 9 and 10, you can find out which Hogwarts House you belong to by sitting in The Sorting Seat on any regular tube train.

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Just look for the blue sign with the wizard’s hat, and you’ll be told whether you belong to the house of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin.