A Mom Has Created Her Own Rock ‘N’ Roll School for Kids

Jana Bocchieri grew up in a musical family and always knew that she wanted to share that passion with others. Now, she has her own rock school for kids and is giving tips to other entrepreneurs. Her parents were a huge influence in pushing her and guiding her to start something and finish it while doing her best at it.

A Mom Has Created Her Own Rock 'N' Roll School for Kids

Jana Bocchieri Started Her Schools Out of Her Love for Music

One of the activities Bocchieri loved spending her time with the most was playing music. According to her, that was because she grew up in a very musical family. Her mom was a singer, and her dad did theater and took her and her siblings to music festivals. So, Bocchieri found out that she was getting very competitive and ambitious when it came to music. Her family encouraging her to embrace her passion and aptitude for music sparked her interest to take her own talents to the next level. So, she took lessons in voice and guitar and went to school at Berklee College of Music in Boston, where she also met her husband.

At Kid Row School, the Goal Is to Make Learning Fun and Interesting

After college, Bocchieri started touring as an artist and taught private lessons to local friends and their kids. The latter evolved into teaching kids in groups. According to Bocchieri, she loved to give kids the creative space to get together and learn how to play in a band as a team. In time, this evolved in her business Kid Row. She shared that it felt like she was doing something that she loved and was fun, and it continued to grow. The goal at her school is to move beyond rote music lessons and put students into bands seasonally to teach them songs they love in addition to rock classics.

Bocchieri’s school did very well from the start, and she soon moved into a rehearsal facility. She then hired more instructors, studio managers, and assistants, and after three years, their efforts paid off. By year five, she had moved her school into her own facility. Now, she has around 300 students and loves feeling connected to people in the Kid Row community.