Boy Yusuf Shah Beat Geniuses Like Stephen Hawking On the Mensa IQ Test

An eleven-year-old child genius has managed to achieve the highest possible Mensa test score, which is higher than geniuses like Stephen Hawking’s result and the score that is usually assigned to Albert Einstein. Yusuf Shah managed to reach the 162 maximum score for people under 18, and that now places him in the top percentile of people.

Boy Surpasses the IQ of Top Geniuses

Boy Yusuf Shah Beat Geniuses Like Stephen Hawking On the Mensa IQ Test

While Hawking is believed to have scored 160 and Einstein is attributed to have been on the same level despite never officially taking the test, Yusuf managed to go a level higher with his 162 score. Yusuf is from Leeds and has stated his friends always comment on how smart he was, so he wanted to test himself and decided to do so by taking an IQ test with Mensa. The young boy absolutely crushed the test, lining himself on top of many geniuses. According to Yusuf, everyone at his school thought he was very smart, and he had always wanted to know if he was in the top two percent of the people who took the Mensa IQ test.

Yusuf Shah Is a Certified Genius

Yusuf Shah proudly stated that it felt special to have a certificate for him and about him. The young boy celebrated the good news by going on a trip to Nandos, a British restaurant, with his family. Yusuf hopes that one day he will be able to study mathematics at Cambridge or Oxford and stated he loves to do things that are stimulating to his mind.

Back in January, Yusuf Shah got into playing with Rubik’s cubes after trying one at a friend’s house. While most adults have a difficult time solving a regular Rubik’s cube, the young genius was able to easily solve cubes of all difficulties within a month of his initial introduction to the puzzle. In addition to Rubik’s cubes, Yusuf likes doing sudoku puzzles because they also challenge his big brain.