Handyman Shares 45 DIY Solutions that Fix Common Home Problems

This article appeared in thedaddest.com and has been published here with permission.

Removing Wood Scratches

There is nothing more annoying than coming home and finding new scratches on your beautiful wooden flooring. Your mind might start racing to try to think of what person or thing caused it. Luckily, the fix might be in your pantry.

To remove scratches, simply rub a walnut over the scratched area, and then rub the scratched area with your fingers. This will help the wood absorb the oil from the walnut. Finally, buff the area using a soft cloth so it doesn't look out of place.

Taking Out Carpet Dents

It turns out that you might be cleaning your wooden cutting board wrong this whole time! Given that there are so many small nooks and crannies on wooden cutting boards, bacteria and food are bound to wind up deeper than you might expect.

Taking Out Carpet Dents

Therefore, to avoid buying a new cutting board every time, there is a simple hack. To get rid of stains or lingering odors, place coarse salt over the board and rub it in using half a lemon. The coarse salt will get into all of the crevices and the lemon acts as a disinfectant.

Cleaning Wooden Cutting Boards

Once the summer sun goes away, you may wonder what to do with all the leftover pool noodles and toys. Turns out, they're handier than you think! If you're prone to losing laundry down the side of your washing machine, this might be a good hack.

Cleaning Wooden Cutting Boards

By placing a pool noodle in the gap between the washing machine and wall, you'll hopefully never have to force yourself in that gap to pick up the shirt that dropped down there!

Pool Noodle Stopper

2020 has inspired people to take on a lot of new hobbies, and among them has to be gardening. If you're among one of the many thousands of people who have decided to take up this new hobby, this may help.

Pool Noodle Stopper

To grow a healthy houseplant that would be a beautiful decorative feature in your home, simply stack empty soda cans at the bottom of your planter before adding soil. The air in the cans will help to keep the soil wet and nicely aerated so you don't have to worry about it!

Tin Can Planter

A lot of people don't know that baking soda is such a versatile ingredient. Not only can it be used in cooking and baking, but it has great cleaning qualities too. Many people have started to incorporate baking soda into their daily cleaning routine.

Tin Can Planter

It's also handy when it comes to cleaning larger pieces of furniture around the house, too. If you're looking to spruce up your couch and get it looking as fresh as the day you purchased it, simply sprinkle baking soda over the cushions and vacuum it up!